🌙THE PERIOD OF THE NEW MOON. Omen and rituals✨

🌙THE PERIOD OF THE NEW MOON. Omen and rituals✨

During this special time- perform cleansing procedures:
- take a contrast shower/lounge in the bathtub
- uncluttered closets
- do nested house cleaning
- delete unnecessary photos from your phone
- clean out your phone book.
- Quit unnecessary chats
- delete unused apps
- give someone else's stuff away
- Rest and meditate

And right after the New Moon, when the Moon has just been born, it makes sense to perform intentional rituals. Visualize your desires and plans for the next month (this can be done with crystals). Plans will grow along with the growth of the Moon's energy.

It is good to do on the new moon practices for weight loss. As the lunar cycle renews and our emotions are renewed, it is the best time to review your habits - including food.
Rituals are also relevant👌How to perform a ritual for youth?
Prepare a bath with milk (1 cup) and rose oil (7-10 drops). Before taking the bath, talk to the water:
Dear water, I love you! Make me new as the Moon renews!
Take away all that is old and dead.
Nourish me with milk and caress me with rose,
That I may be new, slender and young Like the new moon!
That I may bloom like a young rose!"

Or a ritual for money⤵️
Take a coin and put it in salt water and over it say:
"Water wash away all debts and all poverty,
As the water goes away, so goes the need."
Pour out the water, and put the coin in the middle of three lighted candles and say:
"As the light of the moon grows, as the candle burns, so you shine my purse,
Bring wealth, give joy!" After that, carry the coin as a talisman in a purse.
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