When I look at crystals with all their versatility, the volume is astounding, as is the number of shapes.
Have you ever wondered about the shape of crystals?
Throughout most of its history, up to the middle of the 20th century, geometric crystallography dealt practically with perfect crystals and their shapes, although long ago mineralogists, and after them many crystallographers, drew attention to the very widespread nature of distorted, curved, skeleton and dendritic crystals, as well as filament crystals, almost devoid of face forms (a good example of skeleton crystals are snowflakes, well-known to all).
Only in our time I.I. Shafranovsky and co-authors developed a complete theory of faceted, ribbed and apical forms, allowing adequate description of real crystals, including distorted, skeletal, dendritic crystals and aggregates of minerals.
But with the exception of these special forms, crystals, especially ideal ones, are convex polyhedrons.
Crystals are solid substances having a natural external form of regular symmetric polyhedrons, based on their internal structure, i.e. on one of several definite regular arrangements of particles (atoms, molecules, ions) composing the substance.

Among simple forms we distinguish closed (for example, all known cube, tetrahedron, octahedron, rhombohedron, etc.) and open (prisms, pyramids, as well as, of course, pinacoids, domes, etc.).

There are 47 simple forms a crystal can consist of.

The photo shows transparent quartz of various shapes.

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