There are many criteria by which you can choose a stone:
💎 by your zodiac sign
💎 by natural elements
💎 basic chakra stones✨
However, the best option when choosing an auspicious crystal is to bet on your own intuitive and visual preferences.

The right stones will help people open up new horizons and see wonderful life perspectives.

Also, the right crystal will draw the attention of each of us to creativity, will fill us with inspiration, enthusiasm, and will allow us to make our most cherished desires come true, if only we want to.

So how to determine that this is YOUR STONE?
- You want to take it in your hands and even look at it.
- It will attract you, you will feel it: it may not be the brightest, shiny or expressive, but it will attract you❤️ something.
- You will also feel it physically: your heartbeat will 💓 increase.
- Probably you will even imagine with what you will wear the necklace from crystals or in what room and next to what you will put it.

Any of these signals are a sign that you have found your crystal and that your intuition is not failing you.
You can also consult me and I will help you with your choice👍