Stones are guides to the world of subtle energies. People who are interested in natural stones often already have developed sensitivity and intuition.
Approaches in choosing stones can be anything from choosing a stone given your zodiac sign, to choosing a stone to match a certain dress, nightstand color or eye color.
Here are a few recommendations from me:
- Take an intuitive approach when choosing - if the stone appeals to you, it's definitely right for you.
Even if you don't know its properties, you may feel that it is the energies of these stones that you need.
- Stones fit the request, what states a person wants
to attract, what qualities and life areas to improve in LIFE.
- Also stones are suitable for life periods. We live through different life periods during which certain life spheres are active and where the attention should be directed. Therefore, at different periods of life, you may be attracted to different stones.
Man can be attracted to many stones. The main thing is to learn how to feel them and to learn to feel your own states👍.
And if any questions arise, my direct is always open. Write, ask, with pleasure I will help you☝️