A resourceful state is when you feel that you are ready to "move mountains," a sense of inner balance, confidence and tranquility.
When our resource is 0, we can't move mountains and our goals won't be realized by themselves. That is why our body needs recharge.
After all, if you have exhausted your resource, the brain will not agree to any goals and new actions.
Here are six of my techniques I use to replenish my resources:
1. Sports, yoga and meditation- great for relaxing, being alone with yourself. Crystals
can be used in meditations- they will help you to relax and regain your resource state even more.
2 The Anchor Technique
Think back to a time when you experienced a state of fullness and a feeling that you could do anything?
What was it then that helped you get into a resourceful state. Think through every detail and try to replicate that experience.
Determine what is draining you, what is eating away at what you are so diligently accumulating.
Take it out of your life.
4. Do something that gives you real pleasure, that makes your eyes sparkle-at least once a week.
5. Switch to pleasure-drawing, reading books-doing what you love❤️
6. You are the most important person in the world. Be your own friend and take care of yourself. Listen to yourself and your heart. Remember that it is normal to be tired and rested👍.
Take care of yourself❤️